Ninth Generation

400. Deacon Samuel Cobb319 was born on 23 February 1683 in Barnstable, Massachusetts (Barnstable).130,176,319 He lived Falmouth Maine from Middleborough Massachusetts in Falmouth, Maine (Cumberland) in 1717.130 He died on 30 October 1767 at the age of 84 in Falmouth, Maine (Cumberland).319 Abigail (Stuart) Stewart and Deacon Samuel Cobb were married in 1707 in Middleboro, Massachusetts (Plymouth).35,178

401. Abigail (Stuart) Stewart319 was born on 4 June 1686 in Sandwich, Massachusetts (Barnstable).35,319 Maine Genealogical society has her born 4 Jun 1692
- Windham in the Past has here born 1686
Chipman 1st born no date but between 1686 and 1687
Ebenezer 2nd born 1688

Windham's date of 1686 makes sense... She died on 3 September 1766 at the age of 80 in Portland, Maine (Cumberland).35,319 She was buried in Eastern Cemetery, Portland, Maine.319

Children were:


Chipman Cobb was born on 5 March 1708/9 in Middleboro, Massachusetts (Plymouth).130,176 He died in 1796 at the age of 87 in Gorham, Maine (Cumberland).176


Samuel Cobb was born on 11 December 1710.


Hannah Cobb was born on 1 April 1712 in Middleboro, Massachusetts (Plymouth). She died on 24 April 1791 at the age of 79 in Windham, Maine (Cumberland).


Hope Cobb was born on 24 March 1716.319 She died on 20 November 1797 at the age of 81.319


Capt. Samuel Cobb Sr. was born on 10 March 1717. He Moved to New Casco, Maine on 29 July 1768 in New Casco, Maine (Cumberland).130



Peter Cobb-1924.


James Cobb was born in 1723 in Falmouth, Maine (Cumberland).